• Address: 1094 University Ave W,St Paul, MN 55104
caretaker hug the elderly woman
We care for caregivers too

At Bright Star Adult Day Services, we understand the vital role that respite care plays in providing family caregivers with much-needed relief and peace of mind. Our respite care program offers family caregivers a well-deserved break from their caregiving duties while ensuring their loved one is in a secure and nurturing environment.

Respite care goes beyond just a temporary break. Our services are an opportunity for caregivers to attend to their own needs while knowing their loved one is in a safe place. Bright Star Adult Day Services provides a professional care setting designed for older adults who require supervised care during the day or those who may be experiencing isolation and loneliness. Our day program not only offers respite but also enables seniors to socialize and enjoy planned activities in a group setting. These activities are carefully designed to enhance and promote social interaction and provide a sense of belonging. Our clients still receive the necessary health services, ensuring that their physical and emotional needs are met during their time with us.

Get in Touch with Us Today!

Do not hesitate to ask a question to learn more about our team and what we do.

female caretaker guides the elder woman